Barnes Family

Barnes Family
Christmas 2010

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sleeping through the night

The Party if over, Finally! It was fun but a lot of work. I dropped in to bed a little after 10 and when I was in the shower around 6:30 I realized that the baby didn't wake-up all night. I don't pay attention to him all day yesterday (getting everything set-up, and the actual party) and he rewards me this way. I may keep this tradition going.

The older 4 kids sang in church today. They sang a song that there piano teacher wrote with another families 3 kids. They did really good. I ended up taking them into another room after the meeting and recorded them with the camcorder so I could sent it to my Mom. (and have a copy for myself)

Now I get to spend all week digging-out. My house is a mess!

1 comment:

  1. Please put the video on the family website!!! I would love to see it.
