The World of Coca Cola Museum was great. We got to see many different Coca Cola memorabilia and the history of Coca Cola. When you walk in you see all different Coca Cola merchandise from the beginning to current. Then you watch a movie on how the Coca Cola vending machine gets you your Coca Cola (they had a small part of the movie during one of the Super Bowls). You then do a self guided tour of the history of Coca Cola and how Coca Cola is made. You get to see Coca Cola being bottled in 6 ounce glass bottles which you take home when you leave. You then go into a big room with different pods where you can taste Coca Cola products from all over the world. (the kids favorite part) We also watched a 4D movie, were the chairs move and water squirts you in the face. Then of course the dump you in the gift shop so you can spend more money.
This is me trying Inca Cola which was Lyle's favorite on his Mission to Ecuador. They don't sell it in the states. We have found a place up on Bell and 43rd Avenue that serves Ecuadorian food and sells the soda, but we don't go up there as often as we would like to. I took this picture to tease him with.
This is is the entrance of the Museum. We really had fun and spend around 3 hours there.
Where's the picture of everyone trying the DELICIOUS Beverly drink?? :P