Barnes Family

Barnes Family
Christmas 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Box Car Races

Jared is involved in the Cub Scout program at his school. It is a good program and have the BEST Den leaders and Cub Master. They have many great activities that they do as a Den and Pack. This is there first year so they are trying to do almost everything to see what the boy's like and what doesn't go over to well.

This is the Box Car races. The Cub Scouts invited the Girl Scouts from the School so Josie got to join the fun.

This is Josie and Jared's box cars. Josie did her all by herself and did a pretty good job. Jared got his box done but I helped with the painting and lettering.

Each race consisted of three people and 4 pit stops. On the first stop the racers had to"Get their windshields washed" this meant that they had to get their sunglasses wet with a spray bottle and washed off. The second pit stop was "Change their oil" This involved sipping water and spitting it out three times. The third pit stop was "Changing the Tires" this involved taking off the racers shoes and turning their socks inside out and putting everything back on. The last pit stop was "Re-fueling", the race had to drink a cup of water. Then they raced around the track one more time.

We found that most racers with a mom as their pit crew won because mom's know how to take socks and shoes off quickly and put them back on.

The kids all had fun. Jared won 2nd place (Austin was his pit crew and the "tire change" is when he lost the lap that he was up) and Josie was 1st place (I was her pit crew)

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